Team > Prof. Dr. Gabriel Wollner

Faculty of Cultural Studies
Chair of Social and Political Philosophy
I am Professor of Social and Political Philosophy and have been a member of the department since 2018. Prior to joining the University of Bayreuth, I was Assistant Professor in Philosophy at the London School of Economics (2013-2015) and Junior Professor in Political Philosophy at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2015-2018). I studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics (BA, 2005) and Political Theory (MPhil, 2007) at the University of Oxford, Public Policy (MPP, 2012) at Harvard University and obtained my doctorate in Philosophy (PhD, 2011) from University College London. My academic interests are in social and political philosophy, with a particular focus on topics at the intersection of philosophy, politics and economics, as well as on the tradition of Marxism. My current book project is provisionally entitled “Karl Marx’s Theory of Action: A Defence”.
Areas of Specialization
Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Marx and Marxism.
Areas of Competence
Moral Philosophy, Philosophy of Action, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, History of Social and Political Thought.
For my current and past courses, please see the P&E intranet.

Faculty of Cultural Studies
Chair of Social and Political Philosophy
Wollner, Gabriel
Socialist Action
in Philosophical Topics volume 48 (2020) issue 2. - page 285-309
Wollner, Gabriel
Anonymous exploitation : non-individual, non-agential and structural
in Review of Social Economy volume 77 (2019) issue 2. - page 143-162
doi:10.1080/00346764.2018.1525758 ...
Wollner, Gabriel
On the Claims of Unjust Institutions : Reciprocity, Justice and Non-Compliance
in Politics, Philosophy & Economics volume 18 (2019) issue 1. - page 46-75
doi:10.1177/1470594X18805162 ...
Risse, Mathias; Wollner, Gabriel
On Trade Justice : a Philosophical Plea for a New Global Deal
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019. - 288 page
Wollner, Gabriel
Globale Besteuerung und Demokratische Legitimität : Moralische Herausforderungen an den Demokra ...
in Politische Vierteljahresschrift volume 59 (2018) issue 1. - page 125-145
doi:10.1007/s11615-018-0056-1 ...
Wollner, Gabriel
In Defense of Council Democracy
Council Democracy : Towards a Democratic Socialist Politics
New York : Routledge, 2018 (Routledge Advances in Democratic Theory; 8)
Wollner, Gabriel
Morally Bankrupt : International Financial Governance and the Ethics of Sovereign Default
in Journal of Political Philosophy volume 26 (2018) issue 3. - page 344-367
doi:10.1111/jopp.12151 ...
Wollner, Gabriel
Zurück zu den Wurzeln : Mehr Demokratie wagen!
Wenn ich mir etwas wünschen dürfte : Intellektuelle zur Bundestagswahl 2017
Göttingen : Steidl, 2017. - page 121-126
Wollner, Gabriel
International Financial Transaction Taxation, Public Goods and Justice
Global Tax Governance : What is wrong with it and how to fix It
Colchester : ECPR Press, 2016. - page 307 . - (ECPR : Studies in European Political Science)
Wollner, Gabriel
Luck Egalitarianism
Handbuch Gerechtigkeit
Stuttgart : J.B. Metzler Verlag, 2016. - page 249-254
doi:10.1007/978-3-476-05345-9_39 ...
Risse, Mathias; Wollner, Gabriel
From Theory to Practice I : Passing Judgments of Exploitation
in San Diego Law Review volume 52 (2015) issue 5. - page 1035-1067
Wollner, Gabriel
reviewed by: Piketty, Thomas: Capital in the Twenty-First Century. 2014
in Economics & Philosophy volume 31 (2015) issue 2. - page 327-344
doi:10.1017/S0266267115000061 ...
Wollner, Gabriel
Basic Equality and the Currency of Egalitarian Justice
Distributive Justice and Access to Advantage : G. A. Cohen's Egalitarianism
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014. - page 180-204
doi:10.1017/CBO9781139940924.011 ...
Wollner, Gabriel
Justice in finance : The normative case for an international financial transaction tax
in Journal of Political Philosophy volume 22 (2014) issue 4. - page 458-485
doi:10.1111/jopp.12016 ...
Risse, Mathias; Wollner, Gabriel
Three Images of Trade : On the Place of Trade in a Theory of Global Justice
in Moral Philosophy and Politics volume 1 (2014) issue 2. - page 201-225
doi:10.1515/mopp-2014-0013 ...
Risse, Mathias; Wollner, Gabriel
Critical Notice of Aaron James' "Fairness in Practice" : a Social Contract for a Global Economy
in Canadian Journal of Philosophy volume 43 (2013) issue 3. - page 382-401
doi:10.1080/00455091.2013.847351 ...
Wollner, Gabriel
The Third Wave of Theorizing Global Justice : A Review Essay
in Global Justice : Theory, Practice, Rhetoric volume 6 (2013) . - page 21-39
doi:10.21248/gjn.6.0.37 ...
Wollner, Gabriel
reviewed by: James, Aaron: Fairness in Practice : A Social Contract for a Global Economy. 2012
in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (2012) ...
Wollner, Gabriel
Egalitarianism, Numbers and the Dreaded Conclusion
in Ethical Perspectives volume 19 (2012) issue 3. - page 399-416
doi:10.2143/EP.19.3.2172297 ...
Wollner, Gabriel
Equality and the Significance of Coercion
in Journal of Social Philosophy volume 42 (2011) issue 4. - page 363-381
doi:10.1111/j.1467-9833.2011.01539.x ...
Wollner, Gabriel
reviewed by: Farrelly, Colin: Justice, Democracy and Reasonable Agreement. 2007
in Journal of Moral Philosophy volume 7 (2010) issue 2. - page 294-296
doi:10.1163/174552409X12567397529025 ...
Wollner, Gabriel
Framing, Reciprocity and the Grounds of Egalitarian Justice
in Res Publica volume 16 (2010) issue 3. - page 281-298
doi:10.1007/s11158-010-9125-z ...

Faculty of Cultural Studies
Chair of Social and Political Philosophy
Prof. Dr. Gabriel Wollner
Building GW II, room 01.09
Universität Bayreuth
Universitätsstr. 30
95447 Bayreuth
Postal address
Universität Bayreuth
Institut für Philosophie
95440 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4153