Team > Priv.-Doz. Dr. Gordian Haas

Faculty of Cultural Studies
Department of Philosophy
Gordian Haas studied philosophy and logic at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. He received his doctoral degree in philosophy from the University of Konstanz under the supervision of Wolfgang Spohn. He completed his habilitation in philosophy and received his venia legendi from the University of Bayreuth. For six years he also worked as a Wissenschaftlicher Assistent (comparable to an assistant professor in the U.S.) at the University of Bayreuth before getting promoted to the position of an Akademischer Oberrat for another four years. He was also acting professor of epistemology at the University of Bayreuth for three semesters and spent two years at U.C. Berkeley as an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow.
Areas of Specialization
Epistemology, philosophy of science, logic
Areas of Competence
Philosophy of language, logical empiricism, social choice
Gordian Haas’ research is focused on verificationism, the limits of knowledge, belief revision, epistemic justification, and the analysis of knowledge. His research is characterized by the application of formal methods.
Selected Publications
Minimal Verificationism: On the Limits of Knowledge. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter 2015 (= Epistemische Studien Vol. 31. Ed. M. Esfeld, S. Hartmann, A. Newen) [link]
Revision und Rechtfertigung: Eine Theorie der Theorieänderung. Heidelberg: Synchron 2005. (= Philosophische Impulse Vol. 5. Ed. F. Mühlhölzer, W. Spohn) [link]
Recent Papers
„JuDAS: A Theory of Rational Belief Revision“. Synthese 2018. DOI 10.1007/s11229-018-01958-0. [pdf]
„Four Ways in which Theories of Belief Revision Could Benefit from Theories of Epistemic Justification”. Erkenntnis 2018. DOI 10.1007/s10670-018-0028-2. [pdf]
„Formale Repräsentation von Überzeugungen und Theorien der Überzeugungsrevision“. In M. Grajner, G. Melchior (Ed.) Handbuch Erkenntnistheorie. Springer 2018. In Press. [link]
„A Brief Remark on Non-prioritized Belief Change and the Monotony Postulate“. In Acta Analytica Vol. 31 (2016) Issue 3. [pdf]
„Argumentationstheoretische Betrachtungen zum ,Ackermann‘“. In Zeitschrift für Germanistik Vol. 26 (2016) Issue 1. [download]
„Epistemic Accessibility as a New Criterion of Significance“. In W. Freitag, H. Rott, H. Sturm et. al. (Ed.) Von Rang und Namen: Essays in Honour of Wolfgang Spohn. Münster: Mentis 2016. [link]
For Gordian Haas’ current and past courses, please see the P&E intranet.

Faculty of Cultural Studies
Department of Philosophy
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Gordian Haas
Lecturer (adjunct)
Postal address
Universität Bayreuth
Institut für Philosophie
95440 Bayreuth